More than 400 judicial and arbitration disputes.

He has represented more than 50 leading Mexican and foreign companies in the financial sectors – banks, insurance, reinsurance, stock exchange – commercial, industrial, tech, communication, public works and construction.

Defense of public and political personalities and mass media corporations.

Veteran in high impact litigation in these and other sectors in Mexico and across boarders.


More than 400 judicial and arbitration disputes.

He has represented more than 50 leading Mexican and foreign companies in the financial sectors – banks, insurance, reinsurance, stock exchange – commercial, industrial, tech, communication, public works and construction.

Defense of public and political personalities and mass media corporations.

Veteran in high impact litigation in these and other sectors in Mexico and across boarders.


One of the solid firms in Mexico City.

Boutique Firm — its professional work is “artisanal”.

The founding partner is a renowned author, columnist, lecturer and professor in subjects of his specialty; also an international arbitrator.


One of the solid firms in Mexico City.

Boutique Firm — its professional work is “artisanal”.

The founding partner is a renowned author, columnist, lecturer and professor in subjects of his specialty; also an international arbitrator.


  • Defense of the underwriters and of the airline that owned an aircraft that crashed in Mexico City.
  • The largest financial restructuring in Mexican banking history, in terms of both the amount of capital and the number of banks and debtors; representing creditors.
  • The first lawsuit in Mexico on OTC speculative financial derivatives.
  • Defense of a securities firm, in the bankruptcy of its securities and stocks’ deposit trustee in the USA.
  • Defense of shareholders and bondholders for non-payment of the issuer.
  • Act equivalent to expropriation – withdrawal of a public concession, in defense of the authority – from the beginning of the civil trial, which ended as the first NAFTA arbitration award won by Mexico.
  • Purely commercial – non-administrative – antitrust lawsuits against the monopolizing agent.
  • Representative of creditors in relevant bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Recovery of urban areas, airports, industrial, hotel and commercial facilities.
  • Litigation on “deadlock” resolutions and on “put-call” calculations.


  • Actinver
  • Bancomext
  • Bank of America
  • Banobras
  • Banorte/Interacciones
  • Constructora Marhnos
  • FM Global
  • Fondo Capital Infraestructura (FCI)
  • Nacional Financiera
  • Periódico El Universal
  • SAP International
  • Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia)
  • Senado de la República
  • Siemens
  • Six Sigma Networks (KIO)
  • Gobierno de entidades federativas


  • Actinver
  • Bancomext
  • Bank of America
  • Banobras
  • Banorte/Interacciones
  • Constructora Marhnos
  • FM Global
  • Fondo Capital Infraestructura (FCI)
  • Nacional Financiera
  • Periódico El Universal
  • SAP International
  • Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia)
  • Senado de la República
  • Siemens
  • Six Sigma Networks (KIO)
  • Gobierno de entidades federativas


Carlos F. Dávalos Mejía (1952). J.D., UNAM 1977. Ph.D. L.L.D., (Universite d’Aix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Pce, Fra.) 1983. Law Practice since 1973.

Litigation concerning corporate law, banking, finance, securities, financial derivatives, insurance, public works and services, freedom of speech (of press), constitutional law and bankruptcy; national and international arbitration.

Law School Professor since 1977.

Speaker in different forums and countries since 1983.

Author of text and reference books and specialized articles.

Former Visiting scholar in Columbia Law School.

Spanish, English and French.

Fernando Flores Pérez (1979) J.D., ITAM 2008, with a specialization in Commercial Law by the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2009).

Certified in American Law and International Commercial Law, by the Institute of American and International Law, Dallas, Texas, US (2004). Law Practice since 2002.

Litigation in civil and commercial matters, corporate law, banking, securities, insurance, public works and services, freedom of speech (of press) and bankruptcy; national and international arbitration.

Law School Professor since 2007.

Spanish and English.

Irais de la Paz Ávila Garduño (1983). J.D., ITESM 2006.

Certified in Commercial and investment Arbitration by ITESM (2008). Former Deputy Secretary General of the Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM).

Law practice since 2005. Litigation concerning civil and commercial matters, corporate law, banking, insurance, public works and services, and constitutional law; national and international arbitration.

Spanish, French and English.

Marcela Cobos Galván (1958). J.D., UNAM 1979. Certified in Amparo (constitutional reliefs) by the Universidad Panamericana (1994).

Former court official of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de México (Court of Justice of Mexico City) —secretary in charge of drafting judgements projects to the judges and magistrates (appeal court) of said Court of Justice. High School and Law School professor for 10 years. Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, and constitutional law.


María de la Luz Guadalupe García Villanueva (1950). J.D., UNAM 1976.

Former court official of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de México (Court of Justice of Mexico City) —secretary in charge of drafting judgements projects to the judges and magistrates (appeal court) of said Court of Justice. Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, and constitutional law.


Cristian Martínez Munguía (1992). J.D., UNAM (2015).

Law practice since 2012.

Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, banking and securities.



Carlos Felipe Dávalos

Carlos F. Dávalos Mejía (1952). J.D., UNAM 1977. Ph.D. L.L.D., (Universite d’Aix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Pce, Fra.) 1983. Law Practice since 1973.

Litigation concerning corporate law, banking, finance, securities, financial derivatives, insurance, public works and services, freedom of speech (of press), constitutional law and bankruptcy; national and international arbitration.

Law School Professor since 1977.

Speaker in different forums and countries since 1983.

Author of text and reference books and specialized articles.

Former Visiting scholar in Columbia Law School.

Spanish, English and French.

Fernando Flores Pérez

Fernando Flores Pérez (1979) J.D., ITAM 2008, with a specialization in Commercial Law by the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2009).

Certified in American Law and International Commercial Law, by the Institute of American and International Law, Dallas, Texas, US (2004). Law Practice since 2002.

Litigation in civil and commercial matters, corporate law, banking, securities, insurance, public works and services, freedom of speech (of press) and bankruptcy; national and international arbitration.

Law School Professor since 2007.

Languages: Spanish and English.

Irais de la Paz Ávila Garduño

Irais de la Paz Ávila Garduño (1983). J.D., ITESM 2006.

Certified in Commercial and investment Arbitration by ITESM (2008). Former Deputy Secretary General of the Centro de Arbitraje de México (CAM).

Law practice since 2005. Litigation concerning civil and commercial matters, corporate law, banking, insurance, public works and services, and constitutional law; national and international arbitration.

Spanish, French and English.

Marcela Cobos Galván

Marcela Cobos Galván (1958). J.D., UNAM 1979. Certified in Amparo (constitutional reliefs) by the Universidad Panamericana (1994).

Former court official of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de México (Court of Justice of Mexico City) —secretary in charge of drafting judgements projects to the judges and magistrates (appeal court) of said Court of Justice. High School and Law School professor for 10 years. Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, and constitutional law.


Ma. de la Luz García Villanueva

María de la Luz Guadalupe García Villanueva (1950). J.D., UNAM 1976.

Former court official of the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de México (Court of Justice of Mexico City) —secretary in charge of drafting judgements projects to the judges and magistrates (appeal court) of said Court of Justice. Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, and constitutional law.


Fernando Hernández Hernández

Fernando Hernández Hernández (1989). J.D., UNAM (2013).

Law practice since 2010. Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, banking and securities.


Cristian Martínez Munguía

Cristian Martínez Munguía (1992). J.D., UNAM (2015).

Law practice since 2012.

Litigation concerning civil, commercial and family matters, banking and securities.
