A. Identity and address of the Responsible.

Bufete Dávalos y Asociados, S.A. de C.V. (“BD&A”), with address located at Avenida Insurgentes Sur Nº 1766, Colonia Florida, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C.P. 01030, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.

For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer via email:


B. Purposes of data processing.

In terms of article 16 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and 41 of its Regulations, we inform you that the personal information of our users, clients and potential clients that BD&A collects, are as follows: (i) Full name; (ii) domicile; (iii) email; (iv) telephone number; and (v) Federal Taxpayer Registry.

The information collected will be used for the following purposes:

a) Provide the legal services requested and comply with our obligations to them.

b) Send information on relevant updates or reforms to law.

c) Send information Sending information about modifications or new service areas in BD&A, including modification to the work team.

The foregoing, as long as you have not expressed your refusal within 5 business days of making this privacy policy available. In any case, the power to exercise your ARCO Rights under Chapter D of this privacy policy, will always be available.

BD&A declares that the personal data collected are treated with strict confidentiality and are safeguarded with appropriate security measures.


C. Options and means to limit or revoke the use, disclosure of personal data or exercise ARCO Rights.

The owners of the personal data collected by BD&A may request the limitation of the use, disclosure, revoke their authorization or exercise their ARCO Rights, submitting a request directly to the offices of Bufete Dávalos y Asociados, the address located at Avenida Insurgentes Sur No. 1766, Colonia Florida, Alcaldía Alvaro Obregón, Mexico City, C.P.01030. The data owner must prove his/her identity with copy of his/her official identification document and must display the original for cross-checking.

They are official identification documents for this purpose, the Voting Credential issued by the National Electoral Institute; the Passport issued by the Ministry of the Interior and the Professional License issued by the Ministry of Public Education.

In the event that the request is submitted by legal representative, he/she must prove: (i) the identity of the owner of the personal data; (ii) the identity of the person appearing as a legal representative, and (iii) legal representation by public or private instrument with sufficient scope to appear on behalf of the owner of the personal data, or where appropriate, by the statement of the owner in personal appearance.

BD&A will deliver to the data owner or its legal representative, the acknowledgement of receipt of the request that may be presented.


D. Means to exercise ARCO Rights.

You have the right to (i) access the personal data held by BD&A and the details of their processing, (ii) rectify it if it is inaccurate or incomplete; (iii) cancel them when he/she considers that they are not required for any of the purposes set out in Chapter B. of this privacy policy, are being used for non-consensual purposes or has terminated the provision of legal services; or (iv) object to the processing of them for specific purposes (rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition “ARCO Rights”).

Likewise, the owner of the personal data has the right to revoke his consent to the processing of his personal data provided that they are not necessary for the provision of the legal services provided by BD&A.

Requirements of the Request of ARCO Rights .

In accordance with article 29 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, any Application for ARCO Rights shall contain and accompany the following:

I. Name of the data owner and address or other means to communicate the response to the request.
II. Documents proving his/her identity or where applicable, the legal representation of the owner.
III. The clear and accurate description of the personal data for which the owner seeks to exercise any of the ARCO Rights.
IV. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data.

In the case of a request for rectification of personal data, the owner must, in addition, indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports his/her request.

2. Means to file the ARCO Rights Request or revoke consent.

The owner of the personal data by himself or by legal representative, may submit the Request for ARCO Rights in the terms specified in Chapter C. of this privacy policy.


3. Deadline for attention of ARCO Rights Requests.

In terms of article 32 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, BD&A will respond with the determination reached to the Request for ARCO Rights within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days counted from the receipt of the request.

In the event that the information provided in the Request for ARCO Rights is inaccurate, insufficient or the necessary documents for its attention are not accompanied, BD&A will require the applicant, within 05 (five) working days following receipt of the ARCO Rights Request, to provide the necessary elements or documents to continue the process. The applicant shall have a period of 10 (ten) working days from the day after receipt of the communication, to respond to it, except in the case where additional information or documents have been requested, in which case the applicant will have a period of 20 (twenty) working days from the day following BD&A communication.

If the ARCO Rights Request is appropriate, BD&A shall make effective the determination reached within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date the response is communicated to the applicant.

In the case of ARCO Rights Requests regarding access to personal data, their delivery will be made upon accreditation of the identity of the data owner or his/her legal representative.

In accordance with article 32 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, the deadlines set out in this chapter may be extended for one time, for periods equal to those indicated in each case, provided that the circumstances of the case justify so, which must be notified within each of the original deadlines to respond or make effective the determination reached.

Responses to ARCO Rights Requests will be delivered to the data owner or, where applicable, to his legal representative. The requested information or personal data may be available to the data owner or his/her legal representative, in simple copies or in electronic file depending on the type and quantity of documents in question.

For the revocation of authorisation it will be sufficient for the owner of the personal data to submit the corresponding application at the address specified in Chapter C. of this privacy policy. BD&A will give a positive response and make such request effective, provided that it is not a personal data indispensable in the legal relationship between the owner of the personal data and BD&A


E. Changes to the privacy policy.

BD&A reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy policy for the attention of new requirements, the provision of legal services or the sending of information related to them. Any changes to this privacy policy will be made available to the general public on the website


A. Identity and address of the Responsible.

Bufete Dávalos y Asociados, S.A. de C.V. (“BD&A”), with address located at Avenida Insurgentes Sur Nº 1766, Colonia Florida, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C.P. 01030, is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection.

For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer via email:


B. Purposes of data processing.

In terms of article 16 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and 41 of its Regulations, we inform you that the personal information of our users, clients and potential clients that BD&A collects, are as follows: (i) Full name; (ii) domicile; (iii) email; (iv) telephone number; and (v) Federal Taxpayer Registry.

The information collected will be used for the following purposes:

a) Provide the legal services requested and comply with our obligations to them.

b) Send information on relevant updates or reforms to law.

c) Send information Sending information about modifications or new service areas in BD&A, including modification to the work team.

The foregoing, as long as you have not expressed your refusal within 5 business days of making this privacy policy available. In any case, the power to exercise your ARCO Rights under Chapter D of this privacy policy, will always be available.

BD&A declares that the personal data collected are treated with strict confidentiality and are safeguarded with appropriate security measures.


C. Options and means to limit or revoke the use, disclosure of personal data or exercise ARCO Rights.

The owners of the personal data collected by BD&A may request the limitation of the use, disclosure, revoke their authorization or exercise their ARCO Rights, submitting a request directly to the offices of Bufete Dávalos y Asociados, the address located at Avenida Insurgentes Sur No. 1766, Colonia Florida, Alcaldía Alvaro Obregón, Mexico City, C.P.01030. The data owner must prove his/her identity with copy of his/her official identification document and must display the original for cross-checking.

They are official identification documents for this purpose, the Voting Credential issued by the National Electoral Institute; the Passport issued by the Ministry of the Interior and the Professional License issued by the Ministry of Public Education.

In the event that the request is submitted by legal representative, he/she must prove: (i) the identity of the owner of the personal data; (ii) the identity of the person appearing as a legal representative, and (iii) legal representation by public or private instrument with sufficient scope to appear on behalf of the owner of the personal data, or where appropriate, by the statement of the owner in personal appearance.

BD&A will deliver to the data owner or its legal representative, the acknowledgement of receipt of the request that may be presented.


D. Means to exercise ARCO Rights.

You have the right to (i) access the personal data held by BD&A and the details of their processing, (ii) rectify it if it is inaccurate or incomplete; (iii) cancel them when he/she considers that they are not required for any of the purposes set out in Chapter B. of this privacy policy, are being used for non-consensual purposes or has terminated the provision of legal services; or (iv) object to the processing of them for specific purposes (rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition “ARCO Rights”).

Likewise, the owner of the personal data has the right to revoke his consent to the processing of his personal data provided that they are not necessary for the provision of the legal services provided by BD&A.

Requirements of the Request of ARCO Rights .

In accordance with article 29 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, any Application for ARCO Rights shall contain and accompany the following:

I. Name of the data owner and address or other means to communicate the response to the request.
II. Documents proving his/her identity or where applicable, the legal representation of the owner.
III. The clear and accurate description of the personal data for which the owner seeks to exercise any of the ARCO Rights.
IV. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data.

In the case of a request for rectification of personal data, the owner must, in addition, indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports his/her request.

2. Means to file the ARCO Rights Request or revoke consent.

The owner of the personal data by himself or by legal representative, may submit the Request for ARCO Rights in the terms specified in Chapter C. of this privacy policy.


3. Deadline for attention of ARCO Rights Requests.

In terms of article 32 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, BD&A will respond with the determination reached to the Request for ARCO Rights within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days counted from the receipt of the request.

In the event that the information provided in the Request for ARCO Rights is inaccurate, insufficient or the necessary documents for its attention are not accompanied, BD&A will require the applicant, within 05 (five) working days following receipt of the ARCO Rights Request, to provide the necessary elements or documents to continue the process. The applicant shall have a period of 10 (ten) working days from the day after receipt of the communication, to respond to it, except in the case where additional information or documents have been requested, in which case the applicant will have a period of 20 (twenty) working days from the day following BD&A communication.

If the ARCO Rights Request is appropriate, BD&A shall make effective the determination reached within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date the response is communicated to the applicant.

In the case of ARCO Rights Requests regarding access to personal data, their delivery will be made upon accreditation of the identity of the data owner or his/her legal representative.

In accordance with article 32 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, the deadlines set out in this chapter may be extended for one time, for periods equal to those indicated in each case, provided that the circumstances of the case justify so, which must be notified within each of the original deadlines to respond or make effective the determination reached.

Responses to ARCO Rights Requests will be delivered to the data owner or, where applicable, to his legal representative. The requested information or personal data may be available to the data owner or his/her legal representative, in simple copies or in electronic file depending on the type and quantity of documents in question.

For the revocation of authorisation it will be sufficient for the owner of the personal data to submit the corresponding application at the address specified in Chapter C. of this privacy policy. BD&A will give a positive response and make such request effective, provided that it is not a personal data indispensable in the legal relationship between the owner of the personal data and BD&A


E. Changes to the privacy policy.

BD&A reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy policy for the attention of new requirements, the provision of legal services or the sending of information related to them. Any changes to this privacy policy will be made available to the general public on the website